Demystifying UAE VAT for Electronic Services In today’s world, the digital revolution has completely changed how we go about our daily lives and run our businesses. With digital services becoming global, countries are adjusting their tax systems to keep up with...
Unlocking VAT Expenses Your Business Can Reclaim Running a business can be a financial juggling act, and in the UAE, Value Added Tax (VAT) is a part of that equation. But did you know many businesses leave money on the table by not claiming back VAT expenses? In this...
Why Outsourcing VAT Accounting is a Smart Move for Businesses in the UAE If you’re an accounting student or a business owner in the UAE, you’re probably familiar with the term VAT (Value Added Tax). It’s that extra bit of money we pay for things we...
Get Your Business VAT Registered in UAE VAT was introduced in the United Arab Emirates on the 1st of January 2018. Value Added Tax or VAT is an indirect tax charged on the supply of goods and services in UAE. VAT is charged at every step of the supply chain. In order...